
Breastfeeding has many benefits over formula feeding and many mothers would prefer to breastfeed their baby. However, a high proportion of mothers give up breastfeeding earlier than they would have liked. Very often, with the correct information and emotional support, women who have been struggling to breastfeed can overcome their difficulties and have a successful and enjoyable breastfeeding experience.

Many breastfeeding mothers receive different advice at every turn. Often, medical professionals have limited breastfeeding training and little time to help mothers in this area. As a qualified breastfeeding counsellor, I can work with you and your baby to assist you with your breastfeeding issues. Often this will require only one meeting or phone call. Sometimes further meetings/phone calls may be necessary. I have extensive and up-to-date breastfeeding knowledge so I can help you sort the facts from the fiction. Sometimes it just helps to know what is normal! 

Some of the areas in which I can offer support include:
Positioning and attachment at the breast
Sore or damaged nipples
Painful breasts
Low milk supply or oversupply
Breast refusal by the baby
Unhappy baby
Mother is exhausted
Breastfeeding a toddler
Starting solid food
Stopping breastfeeding
Mother returning to work
Mother has HIV or uses non-prescription drugs
Fathers and breastfeeding

I can also help with many other breastfeeding issues that are not mentioned in this list.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor or a midwife and I am not qualified to diagnose or treat medical problems or to prescribe any medications. Any medical issues need to be taken to a doctor or qualified professional. If I am concerned that you or your baby has a medical problem I will suggest that you see your doctor.

Copyright© Megan Oxberry 2019