Services and prices

Many breastfeeding issues can be sorted out over the phone and may only require a short call. Other issues would benefit more from a face-to-face visit.  It really just depends on the situation and also what helps the mother to feel most comfortable. 

I understand that parents of young babies do not want to wait for any issues to be addressed. I always aim to provide useful information and practical support in the shortest possible time to help you and your baby. The majority of breastfeeding issues or concerns can be addressed in one session. However, a few will take time to sort out and some may require more than one meeting or phone call. 

Telephone counselling
When you call, I will ask you for some information and we can decide whether we need a phone call or face-to-face meeting. Sometimes both may be helpful.

I offer the following telephone counselling services:

0-15 minutes     $20
15-30 minutes $35
30-60 minutes $45

Face-to-face counselling
Sometimes it can be more helpful for me to meet parents and baby/babies so I can assess the situation more thoroughly. I am available to visit your home (or the home of a friend of yours) on a limited basis within 15km of South Perth. Alternatively, we could meet at my home or we can arrange a convenient meeting place.

Face-to-face meeting services are as follows:

Home visit (includes friend's home or other meeting place)       $75
Visit me at my home     $65

All face-to-face meetings include a follow-up phone call if necessary.
These prices are for visits up to one hour in length. For every additional hour please add $50.

Payment for all services can be made via Paypal, direct bank deposit (via online banking) or in cash. I will require your name and email address (or home address) up front for payment purposes only. Your email address will not be passed on to any third parties.

Please send Paypal payments to and bank deposit payments to Account 019 5905, BSB 306-095. Please put your name on the payment.

Copyright© Megan Oxberry 2010